By: Handini
The following $5 note from the Central Bank of Pennsylvania in Hollidaysburg, PA is in my opinion one of the more artistic notes of the era. It has a lot in its vignettes, everyday scenes with beautiful orange lathework, roman numerals, a lovely portrait in the lower left corner. In addition to that, the large central V has a vignette of a guy inside it, leaning against the Roman Numeral. Overlaying that is the title of the bank in a lovely curve, versus a bland flat rule. All of these qualities puts this Northern note at the pinnacle of the obsolete currency era from the antebellum years.
$5 Central Bank Of Pennsylvania, PA(1859)
Haxby PA-175-G8a
Image Contribution: Handini
The Central Bank Of Pennsylvania operated between the years of 1857 and 1862 (Source: Hoober). It issued notes in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. Notes get rarer as the denomination increases.
Here are the catalog numbers for the notes:
159-1 $ 5.00 --- 3
159-2 $ 5.00 PA-175-G8a 3
159-3 $ 10.00 --- 3
159-4 $ 10.00 PA-175-G10a 3
159-5 $ 20.00 PA-175-G12a 5
159-6 $ 50.00 PA-175-G14a 7
159-7 $100.00 --- 7
159-8 $100.00 PA-175-G16a 7