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Durand boasts an image of a sheet of the Perkins Plate Design of notes from the
New England Commercial Bank of Newport, Rhode Island. The image shows part of a $3 note, a $2 note, a $1 note and a part of a $1 note. The $3 at the top and the $1 at the bottom are always found trimmed on these sheets. A $2 note I acquired back in March has blotches on it which appear to be identical to the one in the sheet imaged on page 71. Could this $2 note have been cut from the sheet since the book was published?
$2 New England Commercial Bank, Newport, RI (Remainder)
The $2 note in my collection overlaid with the image in
A closer examination of the blotches reveal remarkable similarities.
A Comparison Near The Lower Left Of The Note
A Closer Comparison Near The Lower Left Of The Note
Unfortunately, these blotches appear on other examples of these $2 notes in the same fashion so it would be quite difficult to determine which $2 is indeed the plate note from this book.