Bank Of Cape Fear $3 Notes

About a year ago I wrote about the Bank of Cape Fear. The first note shown on that entry is my prized $3 note from the Salem Branch. At the time I purchased it, these notes ranged between $50 to $100 but this one cost me $200. The dealer had written on the holder: "As good as this note gets". It has been the best one I've seen, although I don't actively scout for more $3 notes.

$3 Bank Of Cape Fear, branch at Salem NC (1859)
Haxby NC-90-G388
Image Contribution: Handini

Other than slight wrinkling on the right side and the fact that the paper is slightly toned, this note is in excellent condition. I recently found such a $3 note in the online gallery at UNC, although from the Wasington Branch, which is also beautiful.

$3 Bank Of Cape Fear, branch at Salem NC (1859)
Image Source: UNC

The paper is nice and bright and doesn't have any creases, other than a little folding near the lower right and left corners, making this an equally nice note. Clicking on either of these images will take you to a page that allows viewing a larger image of the note.

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